Thursday, August 22, 2013

Save Our World!

The Old world of Television starts to die...
Will You manage to save it?... You?...
Is it a dream or a miracle?
But it just can not be...
Because since the moment The Internet was born and till now...
Every TV Channel has been transforming into a regular website with its own closed
public and  it does not gather all the viewers together any more like our TV fathers...
"The End" of TV Era?...
Yes or No?...
Just imagine!...
It should be called TV revolution!...
No, TV renaissance!
In every country...
For the first time in history...
An only TV Channel turns to be 
The Main National TV Social Network,
but not the static one, like all existing web networks, but the live one...
It will now collect not a group of friends but us all together to show ourselves and
let us vote and decide -  what is good and what is evil in our common world...
Every day... It will also give a chance for some of us all ...
to become a millionaires....
From now on...
Every TV viewer of us by lottery draw can turn into
a famous hero of a daily reality show!
He'll be brought into the TV Show Studio and play the ever best simple game,
that every one is able to win it.
All the country plays the same game at home in front of its TV sets.
New game millionaires are born as a part of the show.
Who are they You ask?
It can be the Game TV studio hero and every TV viewer at home as well!
We all will watch and play this non stop show and wonder -
who will be the next millionaire?
May be You?
You have good chances, like any one else...
Now reality show hero is not very nice and young person any more...
not very clever, not very strong but any one of us!
Finally we all are equal!
Welcome to the happy world of Our New TV Reality...
    Our Last Reality Show!
Share our new world to save us all!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Your World... Ours?

The most beautiful thing in the world could be Your own and only life!
Let us just change the world we all live in!
Our world...
The world of capitalism, where just the selected ones of us get
their personal chance for success in life, has almost died...
Some time before it had also died the world of socialism, the one
where nobody had his individual right for a own way in life...
And now...
Our new common world is being already born!
The world of us all, of happy geniuses...
The one, where everybody, no matter who he is,
every day can become a famous millionaire!
A dream?
The world of new super TV Game -
        Our Last Reality Show!
Share this world worldwide in order to get it!
P. S. What a country will be the first one to face the miracle?